Entomol recently donated 8,000 bottles of insect repellent to those who need it most in the country of El Salvador. There has been a recent outbreak of insect borne disease affecting families, and especially children, in the poorer areas of the Central American country. The safe and natural insect repellent product donated is powered by hydrogenated catmint oil exclusively produced by Entomol.
This project was facilitated by John Forsythe, an Entomol board member, who owns a business with a distribution center in El Salvador. Forsythe opened the door for this opportunity by working with the First Lady of El Salvador, Gabriela Rodríguez de Bukele, and Bienestar, the social welfare organization that assists El Salvadorians in need. As we look to the future, this project in El Salvador is a first step in a continued focus on social programs where Entomol and its products can make a difference globally.